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  • Add15Years Next Steps Our Program Book-2, Kannada

    The book provides a glimpse of the Add15 Next Step program.

    • Being healthy is a life-long process and for this Add 15 years Next Step program was launched.
    • The team would use knowledge in every field of medicine/psychology to help you add 15 years to your life.
    • The fundamental aim of the program is not to compartmentalize individual health issues and to provide holistic health advise for you.
    • The program is a 100% virtual program, which is the first ever in India.
    • Members would have access to physicians, dieticians and psychologists, who will be their secondary care givers.
    • Under the program, translation in regional languages will be provided by our staff for Indian community, thus making the program accessible to all.
    • We will do everything to keep you close to the straight line of good health.
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  • It`s time to be obsessed to our “Heart Health”- Kannada

    • Should we obsess with our heart health?
    • My answer is, “Why not?”  Heart attack is the only medical situation where we can lose our life in 5 minutes.  There are no other medical situations like that.
    • Whether we have a stroke, or our lung fail, our kidney fail, our system which helps to digest our food fails, and liver fail, but we do not die in 5 minutes. It may take months and years.
    • In case of heart, if our heart is not healthy and we are having a heart attack then n such a situation, heart cannot effectively pump blood and oxygen to the brain.
    • If our brain does not get enough oxygen, then our brain is gone. We cannot get it back.
    • Medically speaking, your heart may recover, but if our brain is gone, we are gone. There is no way we can bring you back.
    • HEART, especially in India, has become the major reason for sudden death especially in youngish population. Every family in India knows about their friends and family members who were doing well and then they were suddenly gone.  There are so many stories like that.
    • It does not have to happen that way. Suddenly dying at young age leaving behind your young wife and children or youngish family when you could easily live is so devastating.
    • If we knew something is not right with your heart with medical knowledge and technology, we can really make you live for another 30 years, so you have to do three simple noninvasive relatively low cost test every five years which are very safe and if these tests are normal, which tells you almost 100% information about the heart, we can give it to you in writing that you cannot have heart attack in next five years.
    • At present, we have the medical knowledge, medical technology expertise today and wonderful medicines as well.
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  • How Healthy are Sugar Substitutes?- Kannada

    As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes.
    Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners.
    Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.

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  • Smoking Triggers- Kannada

    • In this book, the author discusses the triggers that can cause a person to smoke.
    • The book explains the types of triggers that a person faces on a daily basis.
    • These triggers include emotional triggers, everyday triggers, social triggers etc.
    • Emotional triggers include happiness, stress, anxiety, loneliness, boredom etc.
    • Everyday triggers include drinking coffee, talking on the phone, working or studying etc.
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  • Essential Dietary Fatty Acids not made by our body (fish oil, flaxseeds etc.)- Kannada

    • The book gives an insight into the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids such as fish oil, flax seeds etc.
    • The author emphasizes on the fact that eating food is the only way to get essential fatty acids in our body.
    • The book provides information about three major dietary omega-3 essential fatty acids – EPA, DHA and ALA.
    • Detailed facts have been provided about consumption of fish oil and its supplements and flax seeds/oil.
    • The author also talks about the effect of consuming fish oil (lowering the risk of heart attack, lowering blood pressure, decreasing triglycerides etc.). However the author emphasizes on the need for more research on these facts.
    • The author also explains why vegetarians must do away with the taboo of consumption of fish oil supplements.
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  • Hair, A thing of beauty and joy forever ! (Approved Medicines for Hair loss for Girls/ Women)- Kannada

    There is no question that “hair” is a very important factor for all of us. It is a thing of
    beauty and a joy forever.
    Want to know what makes us lose our hair?

    • This book provides medical information about hair and hair loss/hair thinning.
    • It explains what factors can really make us lose our hair and how we can really maintain our hair growth.
    • Most important factors to be taken care of are any major illness, hormonal imbalance, iron deficiency and excessive stress. These factors have a dramatic effect on our hair growth.
    • The book also explains how pregnancy has a dramatic effect on hair of women.
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  • Covid19 Vaccines Only Ray Of Hope- Kannada

    This book majorly covers the following topics:

    • Beginning of pandemic and measures we took to cope up with it until vaccines were produced.
    • It covers why we need vaccines and how vaccines are made.
    • It provides details on how vaccines work on the human body.
    • Types of vaccines that are clinically approved so far (especially in India and USA).
    • Details about approved vaccines like manufacturer, type, dosage, effectiveness,  side effects etc
    • A section of this book also answers the most commonly asked questions regarding Covid -19 vaccines.
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    This book is an ode to all the women that I have known.
    Be it my mother, my wife, my sister or my daughter.
    I salute you all!
    The book brings out the impact I felt after watching the movie “Thappad” and it basically is an interpretation of certain dialogues from the movie When I see the treatment of women, in India and
    USA, I see so much difference in approach in both India and USA that I felt I had to write about it. Women are treated as equals in USA. They shoulder also responsibilities with men equally. They are not looked down up like in India. Hence, I felt it to be my duty being a son, husband and father to bring out the situations which need our attention.

    We need to raise our men with a strong foundation, so that our women don’t feel burdened like they do now.

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