Spanish | Next Step Living Longer Books - Part 2


Showing 9–16 of 37 results

  • Manage 10 factors easily & Add 15 Years to life- Spanish

    En 2020, solo hay una razón para la muerte súbita, y es “Ataque al corazón”. Eso también puede posponerse 1530 años con 3 pruebas básicas.
    Del mismo modo, existen otros factores que también disminuyen nuestra esperanza de vida. Por ejemplo:

    • Si fumamos, tendremos cáncer de pulmón en 20 años.
    • Si bebemos en exceso, el hígado fallará en 20 años.
    • Si Hba1c = 10/11 o el nivel de azúcar en sangre es de aprox. 300 (sin síntomas), el riñón fallará en 15 años.
    • Si hacemos ejercicio todos los días, podemos retrasar la pérdida de memoria.
    • Si hacemos ejercicio de rodillas, estarán bien hasta los 70-75 años.
    • Si tenemos el colesterol alto sin síntomas, aumentará drásticamente el riesgo de ataque cardíaco.
    • El aumento de la PA (sin síntomas) dará lugar a un accidente cerebrovascular repentino en el que la mitad del cuerpo se paraliza (el lado derecho del cuerpo se paraliza y el paciente también pierde el habla).

    En nuestro día a día, tenemos pasos simples para lidiar con estas afecciones, ya que tenemos disponibles pruebas anuales simples. Debemos tener conocimiento sobre todas estas pruebas.
    Si nos hacemos estas pruebas regulares en el intervalo recomendado y mantenemos nuestros números dentro del rango normal, entonces podemos agregar 15-30 años saludables a nuestra vida y extender la vida útil hasta 85 años.

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  • HIV – High Risk & Low Risk Situations in Day to Day Life – Spanish

    Este libro sobre el VIH aborda los siguientes temas:

    • Diferencia entre VIH y SIDA
    • Historia del VIH
    • Situaciones de alto riesgo para el VIH
    • Riesgo de VIH para profesionales de la salud / enfermeras / colegas
    • ¿Cómo se transmite el VIH?
    • Situaciones en las que nunca podrá contraer el VIH
    • VIH en 1970, 1980, 1990 y ahora en 2020
    • Precauciones de sentido común para evitar el VIH
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  • It`s time to be obsessed to our “Heart Health”- Spanish

    • Should we obsess with our heart health?
    • My answer is, “Why not?”  Heart attack is the only medical situation where we can lose our life in 5 minutes.  There are no other medical situations like that.
    • Whether we have a stroke, or our lung fail, our kidney fail, our system which helps to digest our food fails, and liver fail, but we do not die in 5 minutes. It may take months and years.
    • In case of heart, if our heart is not healthy and we are having a heart attack then n such a situation, heart cannot effectively pump blood and oxygen to the brain.
    • If our brain does not get enough oxygen, then our brain is gone. We cannot get it back.
    • Medically speaking, your heart may recover, but if our brain is gone, we are gone. There is no way we can bring you back.
    • HEART, especially in India, has become the major reason for sudden death especially in youngish population. Every family in India knows about their friends and family members who were doing well and then they were suddenly gone.  There are so many stories like that.
    • It does not have to happen that way. Suddenly dying at young age leaving behind your young wife and children or youngish family when you could easily live is so devastating.
    • If we knew something is not right with your heart with medical knowledge and technology, we can really make you live for another 30 years, so you have to do three simple noninvasive relatively low cost test every five years which are very safe and if these tests are normal, which tells you almost 100% information about the heart, we can give it to you in writing that you cannot have heart attack in next five years.
    • At present, we have the medical knowledge, medical technology expertise today and wonderful medicines as well.
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  • Throw sugar medicines away if blood sugar is 100 !!!- Spanish

    Este libro proporciona respuestas a las siguientes preguntas:

    • ¿Qué es el azúcar en sangre normal?
    • ¿Cuándo necesitamos diálisis?
    • ¿Es posible el trasplante de riñón en la India?
    • ¿Cómo puede controlar su nivel de azúcar?
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  • WHO Recommendations Before we re-open Businesses & Work, Book-5 (Spanish)

    This Add15Years’ fifth book on COVID-19 Coronavirus demonstrates:

    • The top 5 recommendations by WHO for reopening businesses and work.
    • The Mantra of widespread Rapid Testing, Contact Tracing, and Isolating.
    • The preparation needed for sudden 2 weeks’ isolation.
    • The requirements of building up hospitals’ capacity and PPE supply chain.
    • The most effective steps that will always work in this pandemic situation.
    • The risks of the second wave of pandemic in coming winter in Northern Hemisphere
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  • What every young girl needs to know about a “Young Girl”- Spanish

    • There are young girls all over India who do not understand what is happening to them as they enter “puberty”.
    • It is a major taboo topic in India.
    • Let us give our daughters insight to plan for their future.
    • We should educate and give every opportunity to our young daughters.
    • If we don’t educate them, the internet will.
    • Best person to educate them is the lady doctor in town or the mom.

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  • Well-Being of our Indian community in USA- Spanish

    After the last presidency election in USA, the situation for all immigrants is not so favorable. This book addresses the following topics:
    • Donald Trump as the new president.
    • Why immigrant communities are scared?
    • Why Indian parents in USA are not letting their children to join politics?
    • The correct way of dressing up for all the immigrants
    • Risks of partying late evening at the American places
    • Crime instances at public places and parking lots in USA
    • What should you do when somebody shows you a pistol?
    • Practice the fire-drills
    • Law & Order and emergency number in USA

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  • Are you travelling to high risk places of malaria?- Spanish

    Otro libro sobre la malaria, aborda los puntos que se mencionan a continuación:

    • ¿Qué es Plasmodium falciparum?
    • Medicamentos importantes si viaja a un lugar con alto riesgo de malaria
    • ¿Con qué frecuencia debe tomar estos medicamentos?
    • ¿Cuánto tiempo debe tomar estos medicamentos?
    • ¿Cuándo debería consultar a su médico?
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