Diabetes | Next Step Living Longer Books


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  • How Healthy are Sugar Substitutes?- Spanish

    As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes.
    Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners.
    Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.

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  • Diabetes Book 3.2- Sulfonylureas. 2nd generation medicine- Spanish

    This book is one of the series of books on latest medications in relation to high blood sugar and diabetes.

    • Diabetes is so common and for the same reason there has been huge research in management and treatment of diabetes.
    • It is simple economics for research drug companies as diabetes is so common. If they make a new medicine, it will make the company very rich.
    • While drug companies are making new medications may be very rich, but it will keep us very healthy.
    • If our blood sugar is becoming higher, we can delay diabetes and complications by 30 years if we start management early.
    • This book introduces us to the new generation of sulfonylureas which help our body to increase the amount of insulin available to us.
    • Same description applies to book 3.1 diabetes also. We have just seen the number of the book. This book tells you about first generation sulfonylureas which is a group of medicines which helps our body to release and make available more insulin.
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  • Diabetes Book 3.1- Sulfonylureas. 1st generation medicine- Spanish

    This book is one of the series of books on latest medications in relation to high blood sugar and diabetes.

    • Diabetes is so common and for the same reason there has been huge research in management and treatment of diabetes.
    • It is simple economics for research drug companies as diabetes is so common. If they make a new medicine, it will make the company very rich.
    • While drug companies are making new medications may be very rich, but it will keep us very healthy.
    • If our blood sugar is becoming higher, we can delay diabetes and complications by 30 years if we start management early.
    • This book introduces us to the new generation of sulfonylureas which help our body to increase the amount of insulin available to us.
    • Same description applies to book 3.1 diabetes also. We have just seen the number of the book. This book tells you about first generation sulfonylureas which is a group of medicines which helps our body to release and make available more insulin.
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  • Throw sugar medicines away if blood sugar is 100 !!!- Spanish

    Este libro proporciona respuestas a las siguientes preguntas:

    • ¿Qué es el azúcar en sangre normal?
    • ¿Cuándo necesitamos diálisis?
    • ¿Es posible el trasplante de riñón en la India?
    • ¿Cómo puede controlar su nivel de azúcar?
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  • Diabetes- High Blood Sugar Book-2- Spanish

    • La diabetes o el nivel alto de azúcar en la sangre hoy en día se han convertido en un problema común en la vida familiar.
    • Sin siquiera darnos cuenta de que podemos controlar la diabetes, si la aceptamos fácilmente.
    • Hay una fase entre nuestro nivel normal de azúcar en sangre y la prediabetes. Por lo tanto,
    • durante la prediabetes, si comenzamos con medicamentos junto con el control de la dieta y
    • aumentamos el nivel de actividad, realmente podemos retrasar cualquier complicacióndurante 30 a 40 años.
    • Siempre que pensamos en diabetes, la insuficiencia renal y la insulina son dos factores.
    • La insuficiencia renal no es lo único. Podemos quedarnos ciegos o tener un ataque cardíaco.
    • Podemos perder sensaciones en nuestros pies provocando la amputación de nuestras piernas.
    • Todo el mundo conoce la diabetes porque es muy común, todas las compañías
    • farmacéuticas están fabricando medicamentos y ahora hay 13 grupos de excelentes
    • medicamentos disponibles y juntos pueden realmente mantenernos muy saludables.
    • Por último, pero no menos importante, realmente tenemos que conectarnos con nuestro médico y un dietista y buscar asesoramiento.
    • Te sentirás bien, saludable; no presenta síntomas durante mucho tiempo y será muy tentador no tomar ningún medicamento, pero también costará dinero, especialmente en la India.
    • Si quieres ignorar la realidad, no se va a ir.
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  • Diabetes- High Blood Sugar Book-1- Spanish

    • Today in 2021, Diabetes or high blood sugar, has become a common issue in every family.
    • Even without making a lot of efforts, we can manage diabetes, if we accept that it can be treated quickly with medication, diet and exercise.
    • There is a phase before we actually are diabetic (called as prediabetes). Starting medications along with diet management and increased level of activity in this phase, can really delay any complications for 30 to 40 years.
    • Every drug company is making medicines for diabetes and now there are 13 groups of excellent medications available. This book briefly discusses all the groups of diabetic medicines. Together they can really keep us stay very healthy and away from complications.
    • Face the reality and take necessary action today! Last but not the least, we really must connect with our doctor and a dietician and seek counselling/medical advise.
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