Sleep and Health are Related | Know importance of Sleep to Add 15 Years To Our Life

How much sleep do we really need to stay Healthy!!!- Spanish


Todos deben ser conscientes de la importancia de dormir bien para nuestra salud física, salud mental y para nuestra larga vida. Este libro sobre el sueño se basa en los siguientes puntos:

  • La cantidad de sueño que realmente necesitamos.
  • Etapas de los ciclos de sueño NREM y REM
  • Nos pasan cosas durante el sueño
  • Efectos nocivos causados por la falta de sueño.
  • Síntomas del insomnio y formas de afrontarlo
  • Recomendaciones para dormir bien por la noche
  • Efectos de factores como el envejecimiento, los viajes, el desfase horario, etc. sobre el sueño
Category: Tag: Product ID: 11053

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  1. Methali

    The content of this book was rich

  2. Shruti

    Well organized. Clear. Helpful.

  3. Nimmi

    Very good and easy to use.

  4. Ritvik

    so far so good. easy to understand

  5. Shumaan

    Very practical, easy to use! All of the phrases and vocabulary works are things that you would use everyday

  6. Josh

    Great Book. Couldn’t be write much better!
    Keep it up!

  7. Stock

    Interesting stuff to read. Keep it up.

  8. Archer

    Very interesting , good job and thanks for sharing such a good book.

  9. Stuward

    Impressive!Thanks for the healthy book

  10. Jordan

    Wow this book is very nice …

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